Sending a new book out into the world is a pretty nerve-racking time - I never know how it's going to be received. I would have thought that it might be easier the second time around, but apparently not. Fortunately the first few advance reviews of God of Broken Things have been good. Phew! *wipes sweat off my brow* The amazing Nick T Borrelli just posted a truly amazing Five ***** review of God of Broken Things . And no, not's not a censored sweary word... Check it out below: Cameron Johnston is an author who writes exactly the types of books that I really enjoy. Heavy on the magic, violently action-packed, with plenty of thrills punctuated by characters who don't always behave the way you expect them to. Cameron's first book in his Age of Tyranny series The Traitor God was one of my favorite reads of 2018. It immediately grabbed my attention when I first read it and I've been eagerly anticipating book two so that I could get right back into this amazing...