Gallus: a Glasgow Science Fiction Writer's Circle anthology

COVER REVEAL: New GSFWC anthology launching at Worldcon in Glasgow this August, feating one of mine: Gods of the Deepwood

Periodically the GWSFC produces a publication to showcase our range and wonder. In the last few years we’ve had Thirty Years of Rain for our thirtieth anniversary and Flotation Device to raise money during the pandemic and many others previously including, for the first Glasgow Worldcon in 1995, Shipbuilding.

Well, this year there is another Glasgow Worldcon and we have decided to produce a new anthology for that. It is called Gallus.

Gallus is a Scots word meaning bold, daring or high-spirited, and often used to describe the people of Glasgow. We feel this equally describes the members of the GSFWC and their writing and we hope you will read our anthology and agree with us.

Gallus contains 25 stories by current members, a snapshot of what the Circle and Glasgow speculative writing is producing in the space year 2024. There are writers who’ve been members for years and have published novels and collections and won awards. There are writers not long joined for whom this is their first publication. There are stories of myths and dragons, of cats and modified humans, of huge journeys through space and short walks to a river, of witches and demons and lost seas.

What better way to present this collection than inside a cover created by our own Jenni Coutts, winner of the British Fantasy Award for Best Artist in 2022, as well as the writer of one of the stories inside. Isn’t this just brilliant?
